Early stages of dating a girl

Dating > Early stages of dating a girl

Beginning to date someone can feel like an emotional roller coaster. The stagees of liking somebody, but the lows of waiting for him or her to text you back is the name of the game. It doesn't feel like a game of chess for everyone. But, for over-thinkers around the world, the first stages of dating can be mentally exhausting. Below, tsages take a walk into the mind of person who just started dating someone, and all of the emotional stages that come along with it. It starts off so nicely with infatuation. This is where your butterflies turn into nervousness. What if she holds my hands and they're clammy? I wish I could just take a Xanax before this date, ahh! Your nerves are on high alert and having a nice glass of wine during dinner has never sounded better. Once your date starts, your nerves will start to die down and all is well with the world again. Obsessing starts to take place. If your date went well, you might start to go into obsession mode. I call this the 48-hour waiting game. You watch your phone like it's a bomb, possibly ready to explode.

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